Books for Reading


Rushton, R. (2018). The Power of Connection. Milton: Wiley.

Rik Rushton outlines proven ways for people to connect in today's world.


Bhaskar, M. (2017). Curation. London: Piatkus.

In this fast flowing book Michael Bhaskar describes our overloaded world and how curation can assist us.


Bentley, T. (2018). The responsibility to lead: Education at a global crossroads (Vol. 57). Strawberry Hills: ACEL Monograph.

Tom Bentley sees leaders having three key responsibilities:

1.  Deepen understanding

2.  Build a broader community

3.  Challenge injustice

Marist History

Clisby, E. (2017). Far Distant Shores. Royal Oak: New Zealand Marist Brothers Trust Board.


Kerr, F. (2007). Twentieth-Century Catholic Theologians. Malden: Blackwell.

Fergus Kerr provides excellent profiles of important theologians like Yves Congar, Karl Rahner, Bernard Lonergan and Hans Urs von Balthasar.